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    • 格萨尔论(英文版)(精)/中国少数民族史诗研究著作翻译文库
      • 作者:降边嘉措|责编:王星//李珍//孙琳|总主编:梁艳君|译者:梁艳君//吴春晓//宋昕
      • 出版社:辽宁师大
      • ISBN:9787565228629
      • 出版日期:2019/06/01
      • 页数:639
    • 售价:85
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Preface by Lang Ying
    Preface by Mark Bender
    Translator’S Foreword
    Profile of the Author
    Chapter One The Historical and Cultural Context of the Epic of Gesar
      Ⅱ.Bon Culture
      Ⅲ.Buddhist Culture
    Chapter Two The Morphology ofTibetan Culture
      Ⅰ.The Origin of Tibetan Culture
      Ⅱ Chinese Culture andTibetan Culture
      Ⅲ.The Influence of Oriental and Occidental Cultures
    Chapter Three A Gallery ofthe Tibetan Spirit
      Ⅰ.The Echoes ofHistory
      Ⅱ.An Unlettered Monument
      Ⅲ.A Record ofEthnic Memo
    ChapterFour TotemisminAncientTibet
      Ⅰ.The Worship ofMountain Gods
      Ⅱ. TheWorship ofWarGods
    Chapter Five The Cultural Matrix of Tibet
      Ⅰ.The Concept ofSouls Being Eternal
      Ⅱ.The Concept ofSoul Ejection
      Ⅲ.Emanation andthe Soul
    Chapter Six Dreams,Divination,and Magic in the Epic of Gesar
    Chapter Seven Society and Utopia in Early Tibet
      Ⅰ.The Pursuit ofTruth.Virtue and Beauty
      Ⅱ.Awareness of Individual Values and Self:Amrnlation
      Ⅲ.Kingdom of Ling:The Tibetan Conception of Utopia
    ChapterEight TribesinTibetanSociety
      Ⅰ.The Structure ofaTribal Society
      Ⅱ.Tribal Federations and Battles
      Ⅲ.Tribal Society andTribal Identity
    Chapter Nine Conflicts Between Buddhism and Bi;n in the Spread ofGesar
      Ⅰ.The Culture Clash Between Buddhism and B6n
      Ⅱ.Consequences ofConflicts
      Ⅲ.The Impact of the Religious Conflicts on the Epic of Gesar
    Chapter Ten Narrative Structure in the Epic ofGesar
      Ⅰ.The Structure ofEpics
      Ⅱ.Character.Oriented Mode of Narration
      Ⅲ.Episodic Structure
      Ⅳ.Modes ofTransition Between Episodes
    Chapter Eleven A Repository for the Art of Language
      Ⅱ.An Excellent Combination of Richness and Accuracy
      Ⅲ.Brilliant Images and Appropriate Metaphors

      Ⅳ.Poetry Within Poetry:The Ingenious Use of Proverbs
      Ⅴ.The Individual Language ofthe Characters
    Chapter Twelve Artistic Imagery in the Epic of Gesar
      Ⅱ.Rongtsa Tragen:The Doyen ofStewards
    Chapter Thirteen Gesar:God of the Tibetan People
      Ⅰ.Ethnic Gods
      Ⅱ.A God Forged by Tibetan Culture
      Ⅲ.Carrying the Hope ofan Ethnic GrouD
    Chapter F。nrteen The Bards of the People:The StorytelIers of Gesar
      Ⅰ.Distribution and Types ofBards
      Ⅱ.TheMystery ofMemory
      Ⅲ.The Concept ofSouls andAnistic Creation
      Ⅳ.Yhe Significance of Identifying the Types of Bards and Storytelling
    Chapter Fifteen Textual Studies of the Epic of Gesar
      Ⅰ.The Earliest Records:Gesar,Whose Ethnicity was Ummown
      Ⅱ.A Mortal Transmuted into a God:The Inc啪ation of Avalokitesvara
      Ⅲ.Mnarch。fthe Kingd。m。fLing:The Appearance of Gesar Ling
      Ⅳ.The Patron Buddha of Buddhism:A Transfomled Gesar
      Ⅴ.Gesar in the Eyes ofModem Tibetan Scholars
    Chapter Sixteen Textual Studies on the Name“Gesar”
      Ⅰ.The Meaning ofthe Name“Gesar”
      Ⅱ.The Prototype ofGesar in Tibetan Literary History
      Chapter Seventeen The Evolution and Transmission of the Epic of Gesar
      Ⅰ The Transmission ofthe Epic Gesar
      Ⅱ. TheVicissitudes ofGesar’S Evolution
      Ⅲ TheAcademic Study ofthe Epic Gesar
      Ⅳ.ThePublication ofthe印ic ofGesar
    Series Acknowledgements


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