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    • 和你在一起(25国外籍专家战疫实录)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:和你在一起25国外籍专家战疫实录编写组|责编:孙志鹏
      • 出版社:新星
      • ISBN:9787513339759
      • 出版日期:2020/03/01
      • 页数:430
    • 售价:107.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    I China Is Taking Action Against COVID-19
      1.A Foreigner Living in China Shares Her Experience During the Coronavirus Outbreak
      2.Unite to Beat the Novel Coronavirus
      3.Fighting the Novel Coronavirus: Lessons and Wisdom from China
      4.Why I Came Back to China During the Coronavirus Outbreak
    II We Are Doing Good in China
      1.Staying Put in China
      2.Staying with Chinese Friends Through Difficulties
      3.Hope in Times of Coronavirus
      4.I'm Staying, in China
    III Views of A British Lad on COVID-19
      1.Riding out the Shadow of Virus
      2.Chinese Government's Active Role in Addressing Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
      3.Coronavirus: Chinese People Rise United to the Challenge
      4.China's Lessons in Fighting the Coronavirus
    IV How Are Fore/gners Reacting to the COVID-19 Outbreak
      1.From China's Struggle to the Common Struggle
      2.COVID-19: UK "Super Spreader" Exposes Flaws in Contentious China Travel Bans
      3.A Day in My Life During the COVID-19 Outbreak
      4.Records of Beijing's Battle Against Novel Coronavirus
    V A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
      1. Facts or Not: Debunking the Myths of the Coronavirus
      2. Coronavirus: Netizens Against Racism Stand in Solidarity with Chinese People
      3. Bejjing Life for a Foreigner amid the Coronavirus Lockdown
      4. Rising Above and Standing with China
    VI Concerted Efforts in Combatting the Novel Coronavirus
      1. China, May Peace Be with You!
      2. Help and Love Prevail
      3. Coronavirus "Stabilizing" but China and World Remain Vigilant
      4. Our Infinite Time on Earth
    VII Under the Same Sky
      1. In Sickness and in Health, I Would Stay in China
      2. Historical Lifeline: Chinese Museums Go Online
      3. Coronavirus Outbreak: A Test for China
      4. Beijing, My Jerusalem
    VⅢ Love Piercing Isolation
      1. The Story of an Apple
      2. How an Uninvited "Guest" Kept China and the Whole World in Suspense
      3. British Business in China: We Are Here to Stay
      4. China Will Smile Again


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