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    • 英国文学教程(第3版)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:张文//张伯香|责编:罗晓华
      • 出版社:武汉大学
      • ISBN:9787307221079
      • 出版日期:2023/08/01
      • 页数:377
    • 售价:26
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)
      1.1  Introduction
      1.2  Beowulf
        1.2.1  Characteristic Features
        1.2.2  An Excerpt from Part Ⅰ of Beowulf
    Chapter 2 The Medieval Period(1066-1485)
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Geoffrey Chaucer
        2.2.1  Life and Career
        2.2.2  Excerpts from the General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales
      2.3  Folk Ballad
        2.3.1  Characteristic Features
        2.3.2  “The Three Ravens”
        2.3.3  Sir Patrick Spens
        2.3.4  “Get Up and Bar the Door
    Chapter 3 The Sixteenth Century(1485-1603)
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  Edmund Spenser
        3.2.1  Life and Career
        3.2.2  Sonnet
        3.2.3  An Excerpt from Cant 1, Book Ⅰ of The Faerie Queene
      3.3  Christopher Marlowe
        3.3.1  Life and Career
        3.3.2  An Excerpt from Act 5 of Dr.Faustus
        3.3.3  “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”
      3.4  William Shakespeare
        3.4.1  Life and Career
        3.4.2  “Sonnet
        3.4.3  "Sonnet
        3.4.4  Sonnet
        3.4.5  An Excerpt from Act IV of The Merchant of Venice
        3.4.6  An Excerpt from Scene Ⅰ, ACT Ⅲ of Hamlet
    Chapter 4 The Seventeenth Century (1603-1700)
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Francis Bacon
        4.2.1  Life and Career
        4.2.2  “Of Studies" from Essays
      4.3  John Donne
        4.3.1  Life and Career
        4.3.2  “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
        4.3.3  The Sun Rising
        4.3.4  “Death Be Not Proud”
      4.4  George Herbert
        4.4.1  Life and Career
        4.4.2  “Virtue
      4.5  Andrew Marvell
        4.5.1  Life and Career
        4.5.2  To His Coy Mistress
      4.6  Ben Jonson
        4.6.1  Life and Career

        4.6.2  Song To Celia
      4.7  Robert Herrick
        4.7.1  Life and Career
        4.7.2  To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
      4.8  John Milton
        4.8.1  Life and Career
        4.8.2  An Excerpt from Book Ⅰ of Paradise Lost
      8.3  “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
      4.9  John Dryden
        4.9.1  Life and Career
        4.9.2  An Excerpt from An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
      4.10  John Bunyan
        4.10.1  Life and Career
    Chapter 5 The Eighteenth Century(1700-1798)
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Jonathan Swift
        5.2.1  Life and Career
        5.2.2  An Excerpt from
      5.3  Alexander PoDe
        5.3.1  Life and Career
        5.3.2  An Excerpt from An Essay on Criticism
        5.3.3  “0de on Solitude”
      5.4  Daniel Defoe
        5.4.1  Life and Career
        5.4.2  An Excerpt from Chapter 4 of Robinson Crusoe
      5.5  Henry Fielding
        5.5.1  Life and Career
        5.5.2  An Excerpt from Chapter 8.Book Ⅳ of Tom Jones
      5.6  Samuel Johnson
        5.6.1  Life and Career
        5.6.2  “To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield”
      5.7  Richard Brinsley Sheridan
        5.7.1  Life and Career
        5.7.2  An Excerpt from Scene Ⅰ Act Schoolfor Scandal
      5.8  Thomas Gray
        5.8.1  Life and Career
        5.8.2  “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
      5.9  Robe Burns
        5.9.1  Life and Career
        5.9.2  “A Red Red Rose”
        5.9.3  “For A That and A That”
      5.10  William Blake
        5.10.1  Life and Career
        5.10.2  “The Lamb”
        5.10.3  “The Tyger”
        5.10.4  “London”
    Chapter 6 The Romantic Period(1798-1832)
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  William Wordsworth

    Chapter 7 The Victorian Perios(1832-1901)
    Chapter 8 The Twentieth Century


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