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    • 英文小说(作品与评论)
      • 作者:编者:袁洪庚|责编:杨文娟
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302649823
      • 出版日期:2024/06/01
      • 页数:262
    • 售价:31.2
  • 内容大纲

        本教材分为“Works”“Selected Criticism”与“Replaceable Works”三部分,旨在启发学生见微知著,透过这一扇天腱窥见几百年以来英文小说演变的概貌。编者萃取各种流派,不同时代,格调健康的长篇、中篇、短篇与小小说共计30篇(部),兼顾作品的思想性与可读性、类型与风格、产生地域等因素。每篇(部)作品均附有题为“About the Author”与“About the Work”的两种眉批,以及启发批判性思辨的讨论与写作题目。甄录于此的几篇小说研究与批评雄文,或宏观或微观,或笼统或精专,皆有助于学生在精读作品的基础之上拓宽视野,升华认识,并初具小说理论素养。15篇备选作品可供教师在教学过程中根据具体情况选择讲授,亦可由学生课后自行阅读。正文后附有“Glossary”和读后感式范文,供学生揣摩赏鉴。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part Ⅰ  Works
      1.Rip Van Winkle-Washington Irving (1819-1820)
      2.The Masque of the Red Death Edgar Allan Poe (1842)
      3.A Horseman in the Sky-Ambrose Bierce (1889)
      4.Araby-James Joyce (1914)
      5.The Mark on the Wall-Virginia Woolf (1917)
      6.The Witness for the Prosecution-Agatha Christie (1925)
      7.The Snows of Kilimanjaro-Ernest Hemingway (1938)
      8.A Good Man Is Hard to Find-Flannery O'Connor (1953)
      9.What We Talk About When We Talk About Love-Raymond Carver (1981)
      10.Happy Endings-Margaret Atwood (1983)
      11.An Excerpt from Come Over Come Over-Lynda Barry (1990)
      12.Lunch Hour-John Updike (1995)
      13.Great Expectations- Charles Dickens (1860-1861)
      14.A Rose for Emily-William Faulkner (1930)
      15.Human Moments in World War Ⅲ-Donald Richard DeLillo (1983)
    Part Ⅱ  Selected Criticism
      1.Interpretation-Terence Eagleton (2013)
      2.Why Do We Read Fiction?- Robert Penn Warren (1986)
      3.Types of Narration-Wayne C. Booth (1961)
      4.The Plot Edward Morgan Forster (1927)
      5.What Is Metafiction?-Patricia Waugh (1984)
      6.A Reading of "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love-Arthur M.Saltzman (1988)
      7.The Meaning of "A Rose for Emily"-William Faulkner (1959)
    Part Ⅲ  Replaceable Works
      1.Can-Can-Arturo Vivante (1972)
      2.Knock-Fredric Brown (1948)
      3.The Cop Who Loved Flowers-Henry Slesar (1966)
      4.Living with Contradictions-Lynne Tillman (1982)
      5.Blue- David Brooks (1985)
      6.A String of Beads- Somerset Maugham (1951)
      7.The Door- Elwyn Brooks White (1939)
      8.A Most Dangerous Guy Indeed-Damon Runyon (1950)
      9.Haircut Ring Lardner (1957)
      10.The Second Death Graham Greene (1929)
      11.The Chaser-John Collier (1940)
      12.No One's a Mystery-Elizabeth Tallent (1985)
      13.The Romancer-Hector Hugh Munro (1914)
      14.The Gollan-Alfred Edgar Coppard (1929)
      15.The Bank Robbery-Steven Schutzman (1976)
    Appendix: Two Sample Essays


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